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2024-2025 Lee's Summit Legends Tryout Information

2025-2026 Lee’s Summit Legends Tryout Information

2025-2026 Lee’s Summit Legends Tryouts

When: June 6th - 8th, 2025

Tryout Locations-

  • The Soccer Box Victoria located at 105 NW Victoria Dr. Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

Schedule: Tryouts schedule will be available in late May

Who: Tryouts are free to attend and are open to all players born between 2018-2007

Tryouts for the 2025-2026 season will be held June 6-8th, 2024

2025-2026 Legends Pre-Tryout Evaluations

The Lee’s Summit Legends will be holding our annual pre-tryout evaluations leading up to tryouts running June 3rd-6th at our club indoor training facility. Click on the button below and join us for some extra touches and looks before tryouts officially begin.

Pre-Tryout Evaluations Locations-

  • The Soccer Box Victoria located at 105 NW Victoria Dr. Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

  • The Soccer Box 350 located at 11230 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO 64116

Please note that your tryout registration doubles as your pre-tryout registration. Regardless of if you are attending zero, one, or both sessions you only need to fill out one forms.

Legends Fees

Program Commitment and Yearly/Monthly Cost Breakdown

Annual Registration Fee of $175

Monthly Coaching/Club Fee

Team Players (2nd through 8th grade) $119 per month (Paid July through May)

Boy High School Players (9th-12th grade) - Paid November through May

Girl High School Players (9th-12th grade) - Paid July through February

Uniform Kit: ~$250

All additional leagues (fall, winter and spring) and tournament related fees will be divided equally between all team families.

9701 W 67th St. | Merriam, KS 66203 || 913 851 9898 x222