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Welcome To The Club

Welcome to the Club

Legends Soccer Club is proud to offer its unique, proven philosophy to youth players from the area.

Welcome to the club. 


Thank you for registering your child for the 2021/22 Lee’s Summit Legends Soccer Club! This Annual Club Registration secures your spot for the 2021/22 club season on one of our Premier teams. Your coach and/or team manager will be reaching out to you shortly about practice schedules. Don't forget about our seasonal programs for your friends/family members that are not playing club soccer yet. For preschoolers (2-5) visit, and for Kindergarten and older visit the links above for our Future Legends or 4v4 Teams.


  • Annual Fee $125/year

  • Monthly Coaching/Club Fee $99/month (July through May)

  • Uniform $185 (new uniform every 2 years)

  • Tournament/League Fees will be divided equally between all families in one team each season (Fall, Winter and Spring)


  • Two practices during the weekdays

  • Game times vary on weekends

If you have any questions, please contact us at: 

Kyle Hogge (Executive Director)

Riley Cronin (Director)

Kim Kelley (Billing)

Andy Barney (Founder/CEO)


Our coaches are committed to nurturing the self-concept of every child in our program by guaranteeing first individual, then team success. Their commitment is to encourage brave, creative leadership in every player.

We will support children to dare greatly and not be afraid to make mistakes! As a result no risk will be feared- on or off the field.

This child-first mentality is exclusive to the Legends Soccer Club. Legends players experience no guilt, no shame, and no blame!